Why choose a Scopist?

Whether you are looking for a Scopist for regular work or need single jobs edited, a professional Scopist can save you a lot of time by editing your transcripts for you. This frees you up to take on more work which earns you more money or simply gives you more time to enjoy with friends and family.

What I offer

Software & Resources

I use Case CATalyst software to edit your transcripts according to your Preference Sheet. I’m familiar with Margie Wakeman Wells’ resources, NCRA guidelines and Morson’s English Guide for Court Reporters.

Please refer to the Scoping Rates page for turnaround times.


I consider producing a clean and tidy transcript a team effort so I’m open to any questions, concerns and especially any feedback to make both our jobs more productive and accurate.


For new clients, I offer fifteen pages of editing free of charge to see if you like my work and if we’re compatible. Just send me your contact information or fill out the Preference Sheet and I’ll be happy to give you a sample of my work.